Conference: What I Wish Techies Knew About the Library |
[Return to 2001 Conference Post-Conference Materials]
(Original Session Date: 6/21/01) Session Description Panelists from all sides of the issue will share their perspectives and present successful strategies. A library director will explain the importance of staff development and training in helping both librarians and tech staff appreciate the expertise each brings to the process. An IT director will speak from both the IT and librarian perspective. A systems librarian will discuss improving communication by helping tech staff understand what librarians actually do, and by helping library staff understand how their software works and what it does. Finally, a reference librarian for electronic services will speak from the perspective of the cross-over professional – one foot in each world. RealVideo
8 Session Archive
Speaker(s): James E. Duggan [session
PowerPoint presentation] Darcy L. Jones [session
PowerPoint presentation] Billie Jo Kaufman Chuck Papirmeister |
Conference for Law School Computing 2001
Conference |