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2001 Conference: Mandatory Course Web Sites - Quickly, and with QuickPlace

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    Mandatory Course Web Sites - Quickly, and with QuickPlace
    (Original Session Date: 6/21/01)

    Session Description
    Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto [] changed its laissez-faire attitude towards course web sites, and decided to require them for all first year courses. Within a matter of weeks the required web sites were mounted. This session recounts our experience with this rapid access of technology. Three aspects are emphasized:

    1. the role played by the decision to involve faculty in the actual management of their web sites and by the application (Lotus QuickPlace) chosen to assist them (speaker: Simon Fodden);
    2. one faculty member's creative use of QuickPlace in his teaching, with a focus on small-group collaborative work (speaker: Tom Johnson); and,
    3. the place of course web sites in the law school's plan for the use of technology (speaker: Mario Therrien).
    This session will interest law teachers, administrators and IT directors. The presentation will not be highly technical, but technical questions can be fielded.

    RealVideo 8 Session Archive
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    Session Webpage(s)


    Simon Fodden [PowerPoint Presentation in HTML format]
    Director, Legal Education Technology Centre
    Osgoode Hall Law School
    York University
    4700 Keele Street
    Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3

    G. Thomas Johnson [PowerPoint Presentation in HTML format]
    Associate Professor
    Osgoode Hall Law School
    York University
    4700 Keele Street
    Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3

    Mario Therrien [PowerPoint Presentation in HTML format]
    Director, Information Technology Service
    Osgoode Hall Law School
    York University
    4700 Keele Street
    Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3

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