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2003 Conference: Law School Technology - The Devil is in the Details - Presenter Information




If are not carrying your presentation with you please send it to

THANK YOU for volunteering to be a speaker. The time and effort you put
into your presentations is very much appreciated by myself and your

1. If you haven't reserved your hotel room - DO IT NOW! They turn into
pumpkins soon.

2. If you have not yet registered for the conference, do so now. We
need everyone to register who is attending so that we have accurate
counts for materials and food. You can register at Be sure to register as a SPEAKER
so that we do not charge you for your registration. Your registration
fee is waived!

3. You should take a look at the agenda and make sure that I have the
information correct for your session (name, email, description, etc.)
If anything is missing, please send me a note. Beacuse of the size of
the rooms and the expected attendance, we had to do some MAJOR moving
around of sessions. If you have not looked at the agenda recently
(today), look now as the time for your session MAY HAVE CHANGED!!!!!
The agenda is at

4. All of the conference sessions will be webcast live and archived for
later viewing on the CALI website. Your agreement to speak at the
conference includes your agreement to this broadcast and subsequent
access after the conference. Many, many people have told me how
valuable they find this service. If you have any issues with this, let
me know.

5. There are 30 minute breaks between sessions. You should get to the
room where you are presenting 15 minutes before to make sure things are
setup and ready to go. There will be roving tech support with
walkie-talkies should you need any assistance.

6. There will be no one to start your session or introduce you. When
the starting time comes, get started. If you are part of a panel of
speakers, decide among yourselves who will go first, second, etc. Use
the time between speakers (when you are moving the projection cables to
the next computer) to ask for questions. Leave time at the end for
questions. Prepare some questions of your own to stimulate questions.

7. Every room will have a PC with Office2000, Netscape, IE and all the
usual plugins. All of the computers will be connected to the school's
fast Internet connection as well. You can certainly bring your own
notebook PC and plug in or you can copy your presentation onto the

8. Leave lower-lefthand corner of your computer screen or PowerPoint
slides clear. We may be using a picture-in-picture system to overlay a
camera shot of the speakers into that space on the screen.

9. Please be aware that we will be converting the VGA signal of the presentation to a webcast friendly 320x240. This may cause high resolution PowerPoint slides to lose some of there sharpness and suffer color changes. It would be a good idea to keep slide layouts simple and use web-freindly colors.

10. The only printed materials being handed out are your session
descriptions. If you really need to distribute paper, make sure you get
it to me as soon as possible or bring your own copies.

As always, any questions, problems, suggestions, ideas, comments,
complaints - please contact John Mayer.