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2001 Conference: Where should A/V live in the IT Infrastructure?

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    Where should A/V live in the IT Infrastructure?
    (Original Session Date: 6/23/01)

    Session Description
    Distance learning initiatives, the continued growing importance of web sites, and the increasing use of technology in classrooms is blurring the line between computing and traditional audiovisual services. How can law schools change their service models to provide their constituents efficient integration of technology in the classroom and in other learning environments? What talents and skills are necessary to make it all work? Is there a good, bad or ugly interrelationship between IT and A/V and what does it all mean?

    RealVideo 8 Session Archive
    [get RealPlayer 8]

    Kenneth Hirsh [PowerPoint Presentation in HTML format]
    Manager of Computing Services
    Duke University School of Law

    Sandra Braber-Grove [PowerPoint Presentation in HTML format]
    Manager of A/V Services & Technical Support Specialist
    Vanderbilt University Law School

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