By Ana Marie Hinman
*last updated 5/2000
(some appendix information omitted)
Please feel free to copy the information in this manual for your own purposes as long as credit is given to the author.
I. Introduction:
This is the Spring 2000 version of our official Creighton Law Library Lab Monitor Manual. Additions and revisions will of course be made over time, as needed. Until then, use this as your guide. It contains a copy of existing policy statements as well as specific instructions that will be in effect until you are notified. Nothing herein constitutes a contractual agreement. All policies and procedures are subject to revision without notice. If you have any questions about the content of the Manual please contact the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
II. Policies:
A Creighton Law Library Computer Labs Policy Statement is posted on the web at Monitors are responsible for enforcing these policies; please refer students to these policies as necessary.
Lab Monitors should also be familiar with Creighton University Computer Use Policies/Practices and Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures included within the Creighton University Student Handbook.
Reprints of these polices are included in this manual under Appendix A.
III. Work Schedules:
Once you have set up a regular schedule in the lab, you are expected to come to work for your scheduled shifts. If you arrive late for your scheduled shift, you cannot stay beyond your scheduled shift to make up the time. You may only work during posted schedule times.
A. Non-Emergency Schedule Changes:
If you are unable to make it to your scheduled shift(s), please give the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian three weeks notice, and contact the other lab monitors to see if they can cover your shifts while you are gone.
B. Emergency Schedule Changes:
If an emergency comes up which keeps you from getting to work later than 10 minutes after your scheduled work time, you must contact the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian at XXX-XXXX. If the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian is not available, please contact the daytime Circulation Desk Manager at XXX-XXXX or the evening Circulation Assistant at XXX-XXXX. In the unusual event that none of these individuals is available, contact the Circulation Student Deskworker at XXX-XXXX. Under no circumstances should you merely leave a voice mail message or send an e-mail about your absence, you must speak with someone over the phone or in person about the situation.
If you miss a shift and do not give the proper notification, you will receive a warning. If you miss a second shift and again fail to provide the proper notification, your position at the library will be terminated. If a lab monitor incurs an unreasonable number of absences, the lab monitor may be subject to disciplinary action as described in XXIX.
C. Required Work Times:
You are expected to work throughout the regular academic year when classes are in session including finals week(s). A new finals work schedule will be made during finals time so that students are not scheduled to work during times that they have to sit for an exam. New work schedules will be made each semester. Seniority will determine students' first choice of preferred work times. The Reference/Electronic Services Librarian makes the final approval of the official work schedule.
D. Timeclock:
You are required to clock in and out, using our Timeclock software, which is loaded on a computer by the library cash register. You will be assigned an employee number to enter at the keyboard when clocking in at the beginning of your shift and clocking out at the end of your shift. If you swap shifts with another lab monitor, be sure to notify the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian of the swap, so that you are paid for hours that are not on your regular work shift when the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian reviews your timesheet print-outs.
E. Weather Hotline:
The University sometimes closes due to inclement weather. To determine if the University is going to be open, call the weather hotline at XXX-XXXX. If the University is closed, you do not need to show up for your scheduled work shift. However, if the University is closed for only part of the day, and will be open during your scheduled work shift, you are expected to come to work. If you cannot come to work when the University is open, please provide proper notice as indicated in III. B., above.
If you are employed as a lab monitor, it is likely that you will be required to work several hours per week at the circulation desk, as well. During the time that you are working at the circulation desk, the day and evening circulation desk managers are your supervisors. For your circulation desk shifts, you must comply with circulation work procedures, including absence notification, which may be different than Lab Monitor procedures. Any questions about your circulation desk shift work schedules or duties should be directed to the circulation desk supervisors, not to the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
IV. Payroll:
Students are paid every other Friday. The first paycheck that a lab monitor receives will have to be picked up at the University Business Office located in the University Administration Building on the first floor. After this first paycheck, the lab monitor's paychecks will be automatically deposited in the account specified by the monitor on the Automatic Deposit Form. Paystubs are then placed in the lab monitors' library mailboxes on paydays.
In order to get paid on time, you must fill-out your timesheet on time. A calendar is posted by the timeclock computer which tells you when timesheets are due. Timesheets should be turned in to Library Secretary's mailbox by the assigned date and time.
If there are question marks on your timeclock print-outs, this means that either the computer did not accurately keep track of your time, or you did not clock in or out correctly. You will need to have the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian initial the timeclock print-out changes before you will be paid for the correct number of hours. (If there are question marks by hours worked during your circulation desk shifts, you will need to talk to the day circulation desk supervisor.)
The first time that you fill-out a time sheet, you will receive training from the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian regarding how to correctly fill-out the time sheet. However, a Student Employee Time Sheet Information handout is included with this manual for your reference purposes in Appendix D. Remember to use ONLY a #2 pencil when filling-out your time sheet, and to SIGN your time sheet.
The Reference/Electronic Services Librarian functions as your direct supervisor. You may also be assigned duties by the Law School Network Administrator, and you should assist the Library Public Services staff.
VI. Assisting Library Staff:
Lab Monitors are expected to keep the computer labs running smoothly, but as a practical matter, Circulation Managers and Deskworkers as well as Reference Librarians (Public Services Staff) are often asked by students to solve a variety of computing problems. Since handling computing problems is not the main responsibility of the Public Services Staff, lab monitors should always try to communicate with the Public Services Staff on a regular basis and help with any computing problems that arise.
VII. Library Staff Calendar:
The Reference/Electronic Services Librarian posts a general work schedule on the lab monitor’s directory. In addition, a staff calendar is posted on the web at http://XXX
VIII. Food and Drink Policy:
Absolutely NO FOOD and NO DRINKS are allowed in the law library computer labs. Drinks are allowed in the library if they are in covered, non-disposable containers that have lids securely fastened to the rims. However, even drinks in these types of containers are NOT allowed in the computer labs. Students may leave their drinks in the appropriate containers on study tables outside of the labs so that they can walk out the door periodically to get a drink. But, students may not leave their drink containers anywhere in the lab--not at the front of the room, not on the counters, not on the floor, and not anywhere else inside the lab.
Because the library has recently undergone costly renovations, the library takes the food and drink policy quite seriously. If any student employed by the library, including a lab monitor, is found in the law library violating the food and drink policy, whether that student employee is on or off work, it is grounds for that employee's immediate dismissal. This policy is very strict because we cannot expect the student body to abide by the food and drink policy if our own student employees are violating the policy.
IX. Printing Quotas and Special Logins:
Law students are given 300 pages per semester under their student accounts.
Occasionally, projects assigned to lab monitors will require printing. Law students who have used their own law school network account to do work-related printing, should contact the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian to have their accounts credited. Non-law students employed as lab monitors should use their accounts to print only work-related documents. Their lab monitor accounts cannot be used to print-out non-work related documents which include, but are not limited to homework assignments, class papers, job searching documents, and Internet research. Non-law student logins will be monitored to make sure that no non-work-related print-outs are being made. The password for the KUTAKINS login should be obtained from the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian when the Lab Monitor commences employment.
Non-law student lab monitors may purchase print-outs for their personal use at the law library circulation desk at 10 cents per page, or 7 cents per page with a Jaybucks card.
Lab Monitors should be familiar with the procedures involved in checking student printing account balances. Also, Lab Monitors should be familiar with how to send Lexis and Westlaw print-jobs to the Lexis and Westlaw printers in the labs. Students may erroneously send their Lexis and Westlaw documents to the library printers, and not realize that they have substantially reduced the number of print-outs left in their print quotas. Instructions for many of these procedures are included in Appendix B.
X. Unauthorized Persons in Labs:
The law library computer labs are for law student use only. If you see anyone using the lab that is not a law student please ask him or her to leave. If you have difficulty removing the person from the lab ask a reference librarian, or circulation manager to help you. If none of these individuals are available to assist you call Public Safety at XXX-XXXX.
If you are not sure who is a law student and who is not a law student, there is book of student photographs at the Reference Desk and at the Circulation Desk. Also, feel free to ask the persons using the labs if they are law students and for ID.
Non-law student lab monitors must understand that they are only able to use the law library computer labs because they are lab monitors, and under no circumstances should lab monitors bring other non-law students into the labs to do printing or other computing tasks.
XI. Special Lab Users:
Occasionally, adjunct faculty members and Lexis and Westlaw Representatives, who are not law students, will need to use our labs. These persons should stop by the Reference Desk to get a temporary password from the Reference Librarian. However, you should let the users know that they should really make arrangements with the Reference Librarian and/or Reference/Electronic Services Librarian before using the lab. Sometimes, a special login can be set up for them.
Other individuals who feel that they should have special access to the labs should contact the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
XII. Cleaning:
The Reference/Electronic Services Librarian will set up a cleaning schedule for the lab monitors. When it is your assigned week to clean, you should start early in your week, so you will have time to finish cleaning the computers on your list. Before you start cleaning, print-out a copy of the Cleaning Checklist form on the shared directory. Let the Circulation Deskworker know when you have to leave the downstairs Kutak Lab to clean other computers. Please clean the computers listed on the Cleaning Checklist form. Make sure to clean the monitor, keyboard and CPU of each workstation. Also, wipe off the counter tops. The back side of the CPU near the fan vent especially accumulates a great deal of dust which can harm the computer. It is important that you clean that area with canned air thoroughly.
The cleaning supplies are kept in the downstairs storage room. If we are running low on any cleaning supplies, please let the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian know immediately, as it takes some time for supply orders to go through. You can use Windex to wipe off the computers, monitors, and counter tops. Canned air is useful to blow the dust out of the keyboards and the fan area behind the CPU. Try to use the canned air sparingly, as it is very expensive. Try not to shake the canisters of canned air, because this causes a chemical reaction to take place that makes the canister very cold. It is a harmless problem, but it makes the canister rather uncomfortable to hold while you are cleaning. You can spray a little Windex on a paper towel and wipe off the keyboards and back of the CPU without damaging the equipment--this will help cut down on the use of canned air. Paper towels may be obtained from the Ladies' or Mens' Room.
If you notice static electricity on the computers, or around the computers, you should spray some anti-static spray around to eliminate the static. Static is very bad for electronic equipment, so if you notice static, please feel free to use the anti-static spray liberally to resolve the problem.
Cleaning often gives you the opportunity to notice problems with the computers that might not otherwise get reported. If you notice any equipment problems, please send a Computer Support Request e-mail to
As you finish each computer, please check it off on the checklist. If for some reason, you can't get through all of the computers on your list, this makes it easier for the next person to start where you left off.
Put your name on the checklist and list the dates of your cleaning week. Put the completed form in the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian's mailbox at the end of your cleaning week.
XIII. Supplies:
Most computing supplies are kept downstairs in Room 144. The key for this room is located at the Circulation Desk and must be checked out with your student ID card. (Because this key must be checked out using your student ID card, be sure to turn in all of your library books on time. Overdue books will cause your ID card to be blocked and you will not be able to check-out the keys. If you cannot access the supplies, this severely impairs your ability to work in the library, and the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian may suspend your work shifts until the block on your ID card is cleared.)
Please return the key you have checked out promptly. Other library workers often need to use the key to the supply room, so you should return the key as soon as you have finished using it. This may mean that you may need to check-out and turn-in the key several times during your shift. Do NOT simply check the key out, keep it for your whole shift and turn it in at the end of your shift.
A. Paper:
Plain white paper is to be used in the law library computer lab printers, not the Lexis and Westlaw printers. Three (3) full boxes of plain white paper should be in the supply room at all times. If the supply is getting below this point, send the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian an e-mail explaining how much additional paper is needed.
The Lexis printer in Room 204 and the Westlaw printer in Room 205 have special paper with the respective company logos on them. Only Lexis and Westlaw paper should be used in the Lexis and Westlaw printers. Never put plain white paper in the Lexis and Westlaw printers. The reason for this is that the library pays a contractual fee to Lexis and Westlaw so that the companies provide printing equipment and supplies for their database print-outs. Using plain white paper in the Lexis and Westlaw printers wastes the Law School's money. Watch out for cardboard dividers in the paper, and do not load these dividers into the printers.
B. Laser cartridges:
Because laser printer toner cartridges are so expensive (approx.. $75-$250 per cartridge) you will be asked to sign-out for toner cartridges when you replace them. Before you replace a toner cartridge, please shake the existing cartridge and put it back in the printer. Sometimes, quite a few more pages can be printed before the cartridge is completely out of toner. When the cartridge is completely spent, the printer will display the "toner low" message even after you have recently shaken the cartridge.
When replacing cartridges, please put the old cartridge in its box and place it on the Recycling Shelf in the supply room. Mark "recycle" on the box using the red marker pen in the supply room.
Please notify the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian immediately when the supplies of laser toner cartridges are running low. It sometimes takes several days to have the cartridges shipped to the library, so it is important to notify the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian before a serious shortage occurs.
C. Cleaning supplies:
Cleaning supplies are kept in the downstairs supply room.
XIV. Excessive Lexis/Westlaw Printing:
Periodically, law students send excessive print-jobs to the Lexis or Westlaw printers. Usually, other law students will complain about this because they are waiting for their own print-jobs to come out. In addition, this excess printing can overheat the printers. If you notice an excessive print-out, please send an e-mail describing the problem to the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian, and temporarily store the print-out in the supply room. Usually, these problems occur because the student did not fully understand how to use the software, the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian will contact the student and make sure that they understand the problem.
XV. Necessary Computing Skills:
In order to do a good job working in the labs, you should know how to use the following software and handle the following problems/tasks: WordPerfect, Word, printing envelopes, mail merge, resume formatting, fixing print-jams, loading paper in printers, virus cleaning, and, Netscape composer. Not all students who work in the labs start the job knowing how to handle these items. However, it is the responsibility of the monitor to either train him or herself or ask the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian for training on these matters immediately.
XVI. Software and Hardware Manuals:
The software and hardware computing manuals are located in the downstairs Kutak Lab in the locked cupboards near the area of Kutak Printer 01. The HP Printer manual for most of the models of HP printers used in the library is kept in an unlocked drawer by Kutak Printer 01. It's kept unlocked for ease of use by all of the staff. Please return the manuals to the place where you found them by the end of your shift, and lock the appropriate cupboards you return them to. The lab cupboards key is located on the same key ring as the key for the Supply Room and must be checked-out at the Circulation Desk using your student ID card.
Additional user guides available for library check-out are located in the QA Call Number Area upstairs in the library stacks.
XVII. Handouts:
Handouts relating to common computing problems and procedures are kept in plastic bins at both the Reference Desk and in the downstairs Kutak Lab. Review copies of these handouts are kept in Appendix E for the Lab Monitors Ease of Reference. Lab Monitors should be familiar with the information and procedures in these handouts and should review them at the start of their employment.
XVIII. Kutak Lab Web-Page:
There is a special web-page developed for the Kutak Lab (, where handouts and other user guides are loaded on the web-page. This helps us to use less paper to handle routine questions. Lab Monitors will participate in developing and adding information to this web-page.
XIX. Responsibilities for Each Shift:
A. Clock in, and out, at the beginning and end of each shift.
B. When you first show up for your shift, you should check your library mailbox and Pegasus e-mail for messages from the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian. (If you start your shift when the library opens, you should turn on the public access computers and the computers in all three law library labs.)
C. Then, check-in with the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian if she is available.
D. Next, stop by the Circulation and Reference Desks, and let the Circulation Deskworker and Reference Librarian on duty know that you have arrived. Ask him or her if any computing problems have come up.
E. Walk around to all three labs and check the paper trays in each printer to make sure that there is enough paper. Also check to make sure that there is sufficient toner in each of the printers. The library printers should each have a back-up supply of 5 reams of paper per printer. The Lexis and Westlaw printers should each have a back-up supply of 10 reams of paper per printer. There is a Printer Check Sheet in the Supply Room which you should fill-out at the beginning of your shift to show when you've checked all the printers and paper levels. Also, check all of the computer screens for error messages. If you find a problem that you cannot fix, please send a detailed computer support request e-mail as described in XXII.
F. While you are checking the printers in the labs, see if there are any users in the labs. You should introduce yourself to the users and ask them if they need any help.
G. Pick up unused library books you find in the labs and take them to the Circulation Desk for re-shelving.
H. Put paper debris in trash or recycling containers. Empty the lab recycling bins in the large blue recycling bins found in the upstairs library staff area.
I. Organize Lexis Westlaw and library printer print-outs that students have not yet picked up. Recycle print-outs that are over 4 days old.
J. Report hardware/software malfunctions according to procedures listed under XXII.
K. If your shift occurs when the library closes, you should shut down all of the library lab computers and the public access stations.
L. Keep bulletin boards neat, and alert the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian when updates are necessary.
M. Lab Monitors will be required to perform additional computing duties and lab procedures as deemed necessary by the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian and/or Law School Network Administrator.
N. If you leave the lab during any time to do cleaning, or to help students in the upstairs labs, or for any other reason, please tell the Circulation Deskworker and the Reference Librarian, where you are.
The Importance of E-mail Communication: The Reference/Electronic Services Librarian will give you various projects to work on and will normally communicate information about these projects via e-mail. Be sure to keep good track of work-related e-mail and to send e-mail messages that are clearly written, so that the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian can easily determine what work you have completed even if the librarian cannot speak with you personally. The lab monitors are mainly scheduled during times that the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian is not at work, so good e-mail communication is essential. When you have completed a project assigned by the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian, you should send an e-mail explaining that you have completed the task.
XX. Studying:
The primary function of the Lab Monitor is to carry out the duties listed in this manual. Lab Monitors may study in the lab if there is no other work to be done. However, lab monitor duties come first. Students cannot rely on their work time in the lab to do their homework, test preparation, reading, etc.
XXI. Viewing Information While On-Duty:
Viewing sexually explicit material on the Internet, or derived from other sources, while on duty is strictly prohibited. Students who wish to ask the lab monitors questions should not be made to feel uncomfortable when they come to the lab monitor's computer only to see offensive material displayed on the screen, or displayed in the lab monitor's work area. Such behavior can have a tendency to create a "hostile environment" for those who use the lab. Lab monitors should familiarize themselves with the Creighton University Student Handbook Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures found in the Appendix A of this manual.
XXII. Trouble-shooting and Reporting Computing Problems:
If you encounter a computer problem that you cannot fix, consult the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian if she is available. If she is not available, please send an e-mail message with a detailed description of the problem to You should use that e-mail address instead of sending a message directly to the Network Administrator or the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian because by using, your request for computer assistance will automatically be forwarded to ALL of the staff involved in handling computing problems. This will help insure that the problem will be fixed quickly because all of the appropriate staff will be notified via one e-mail message.
If a computer or printer is completely non-functional, please complete an official out-of-order sign and attach it to the computer. The out-of-order signs are located in the back of this manual in Appendix E. The official signs let users know that the problem has been reported, and it is clear that a user has not simply posted the sign without giving the computing staff proper notification.
Sometimes, students can become quite alarmed when the equipment isn't working. If a laser printer isn't working, students may not realize that they can easily re-route the print-job to a different lab printer. We have 5 library lab printers for the students to use. In the unlikely event that all 5 printers are not working, the entire network is probably down and there isn't much a lab monitor can do until the Network Administrator fixes the problem. If the network is down, suggest that students use the Old Gym Student Computer Lab to do their word processing. Call ahead to check the Old Gym Student Computer Lab hours at XXX-XXXX. Kinko's, and other such businesses, are also options for students and library patrons who feel they need a word processing document printed right away.
If the Westlaw printer is not working, students should be advised to switch to Lexis. Likewise, if the Lexis printer is not working, students should be advised to use Westlaw. Although students might prefer one system over the other, both databases contain virtually the same information and most of the time students can retrieve exactly the same information on either Lexis or Westlaw. If a student is not familiar with one system or the other, send the student to a Reference Librarian for assistance.
Public Access patrons should NEVER be allowed to do word processing. Public Access patrons may only make print-outs from the research databases provided on the Public Access Computers. Public Access patrons receive free print-outs of the library catalog records and LegalTrac citations. However, other research documents cost 10 cents per page (or 7 cents per page with a Jaybucks card) that the Public Access Patron must pay at the Circulation Desk.
XXIII. Shared Directory:
Because you are a lab monitor, you will have special access to a shared directory on the network called "labmon" on the J drive. It is a good idea to save projects to this directory so that the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian can access the files there, too. A current telephone list of all lab monitors is kept there (phone.doc), as well as the current lab monitors' lab schedule, and cleaning checklist form.
XXIV. Equipment:
Unless directed to do so by a full-time library staff member, lab monitors may not remove computing equipment from its assigned location and may not use library staff computers including the reference and circulation desk computers.
Lab and library equipment and supplies are for the use of the library and lab, and are not for personal use of the lab monitors. Equipment, supplies, manuals, and license-restricted software may not be taken away from the library for personal use by the Lab Monitors. (However, please note that CALI exercises may be copied by students, see the CALI information sheet in Appendix C.)
All commercial software which is potentially accessible on our system is protected by the copyright laws of the United States. Copying of any of the program files from these applications by anyone is strictly prohibited.
XXV. Copying CALI Exercises:
CALI(Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) is a non-profit organization that produces computerized study-software for law students. Creighton Law School pays CALI a fee to be a CALI-member school so that we can have access to these exercises. Law students often find CALI exercises helpful for reviewing for their classes, and sometimes law professors assign the CALI exercises to their law students. In the past few years, CALI has greatly expanded the ways in which students may access the exercises. While this increases the convenience to law students, the many new options have created some confusion, as well.
CALI has a website (
To use the services on the CALI website, students will need the following password: xxxxx. You should feel free to give this password to Creighton Law Students because they are entitled to use this site due to the fact that Creighton has paid to be a CALI-member school. However, you should not just give the password out over the phone because over the phone you cannot verify that the person is a Creighton Law Student. CALI's website lists member-schools and anyone just surfing the Internet could try to call and get the password from us.
There are other CALI passwords for the use of faculty and staff. If anyone inquires about using those passwords, you should refer them to a Reference Librarian.
XXVI. Priority of Use of Computers:
While on duty in the lab, Lab Monitors must offer the computers that they are using to lab users, if other appropriate computers are not available. The only exception to this policy is if the lab monitor is working on an emergency project.
XXVII. Floppy Disks for Users:
The library Circulation Desk sells floppy disks for student use. The disks are $2.00 each.
If lab users accidentally leave disks in the lab, please take the disk to lost and found at the Library Circulation Desk. It is helpful if you can mark the disk with the date and time you found it. Please encourage lab users to use disk labels, so that they can be easily distinguished from other disks when lost.
It is a good idea to periodically check the lost and found disk drawer at the Circulation Desk to determine if any of the disks can be returned to a student. If the files and/or labels on the disk indicate that the disk belongs to a particular student, please put the disk in that student’s mailbox.
XXVIII. Network Login Problems
Sometimes students will complain that they cannot log into the law school network. Often this is due to the fact that the student has forgotten his or her login name. Here is how law student login names are always formulated:
(information omitted for security reasons)
Please check to make sure that the student is using the correct login name. If a student has forgotten his or her password, and/or verifying the correct login name does not fix the login problem, that student can only be helped by the Law School Network Administrator or a Reference Librarian.
XXIX. Disciplinary Action:
A. Major Work Infractions
For major work infractions (such as not showing up for a scheduled shift without giving proper notice or violating the food and drink policy), Lab Monitors will receive one verbal warning. If the infraction occurs again, the lab monitor's employment will be terminated.
B. Minor Work Infractions
For less serious work infractions, Lab Monitors will first be counseled. If the problem continues, the lab monitor will receive a verbal warning. If the problem still persists, the lab monitor's employment will then be terminated.
XXX. Important Phone Numbers:
Reference/Electronic Services Librarian
Law School Network Administrator
Academic Computing Helpdesk
Creighton University Weather Hotline
The Creighton Law Library Computer Labs are available for use by Creighton University School of Law students for personal and law school-related work. Graduates who have not yet taken a state bar exam may also use the Law Library Computer Labs. Users should be aware of the following items.
Laser Printer Use Policy
Students should abide by the printing quotas set by the law school and must pay for any printing in excess of the printing quota.
Network Logins
Students should safeguard their law school network accounts by the use of system-provided protection features such as password and file protections, and should take precautions against others obtaining access to their computer resources. It is very important that students log off their accounts when finished computing.
Data Storage
Students should provide their own disks. Disks are available for purchase at the Circulation Desk. Personal files stored on any computer are subject to removal by the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian and Staff. No unauthorized software is to be loaded on to the lab computers.
Copyright Laws
Users must observe all copyright laws and agree not to duplicate any computer program or documentation that is not in the public domain. If you have questions about what is legal, ask the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
Care of the Computer Labs
NO FOOD or BEVERAGES are allowed in the Computer Labs.
Risk of Use
Although every effort is made to keep the Computer Labs operating at peak level, the Law School and the Law Library make no guarantees with respect to any equipment, programs, diskettes, or other materials in the Computer Labs. Risk as to the quality and performance of the computer equipment, programs, diskettes, and documentation is with the user. Any data lost as a result of faulty programs or diskettes, or equipment failure is not the responsibility of the Law School, the Law Library, or their employees.
Any computer left unattended for a reasonable amount of time will be logged off and the remaining diskette will be placed in "Lost and Found" at the Circulation Desk. Determination of reasonableness will be made by the Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
(pages 22-23)
Computer Use Policies/Practices
Creighton University has the responsibility for securing its computing and networking systems (both academic and administrative) to a reasonable and economically feasible degree against unauthorized access, while making the systems accessible for legitimate and innovative uses. This responsibility includes informing persons who use the Creighton computer and network systems of expected standards of conduct and encouraging the adherence of those standards.
It is important for the user to practice appropriate behavior in computing activities because the user has possible access to many valuable and sensitive resources and the user's computing practices can adversely affect the work of others. For the good of all users, improper use and abuse of the computers and networks will not be permitted.
Policy on Computing Practices
The following policy is Creighton's Policy of Computing Practices for all persons using the University's computing and network systems. Disciplinary action for violating the policies shall be governed by, but not limited to, the applicable provisions in this handbook and the applicable section of federal and state law. Persons who violate these Computing Practice Policies shall have, as a minimum, their access privileges to Creighton computing systems removed pending evaluation of the alleged violation.
1. Computer and JAYNet system users are responsible for following the published procedures for accessing Creighton and other universities' computing systems and networks.
2. Users should access only the computer accounts and files for which they have been authorized.
3. Users should make appropriate use of system-provided protection features such as password and file protections, and should take precautions against others obtaining access to their computer resources.
4. Software used on University-owned equipment should be legally obtained and its use should follow any license of copyright laws.
5. System facilities are not to be tampered with, obstructed, or modified.
6. University-provided computer equipment should not be removed from its assigned location without proper authorization.
7. Proper network conduct must be observed when utilizing Internet facilities.
8. Accounts issued for legitimate classroom or office work should not be used for private monetary gain, unless specifically authorized for such use.
If there is any doubt regarding the ethical or legal legitimacy of any action, contact the Director of Academic Computing for clarification.
(page 27)
In accord with its history, mission, and credo, Creighton University believes that each individual should be treated with respect and dignity.
It is obvious that any form of sexual harassment is a violation of human dignity. The University strongly condemns any such harassment. Whether verbal or physical, conduct of this sort violates another person's rights and can create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment. Such conduct when it is genuinely discerned is subject to prompt and effective remedial action. Employees or students who believe themselves to be victims of sexual harassment are encouraged to report the facts to the University in order that the University might investigate and take corrective action where appropriate.
Definition of Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment can fall into one or both of two categories: "quid pro quo" (one thing in exchange of another) harassment and "hostile environment" harassment. Any harassment or other unequal treatment of an employee or student, or group of employees or students, that would not occur but for the sex of the employee(s) or student(s), if sufficiently patterned or pervasive, may be prohibited sexual harassment.
Individuals who believe themselves to be victims of sexual harassment and who desire University Assistance in dealing with the situation should immediately report the details to the following persons:
(a) Dr. Stephanie Wernig, Associate Vice President for Student Services/Dean of Women, Brandeis 111, XXX-XXXX (complaints by students)
(b) Mr. John Pierce, University Affirmative Action Director, Administration Building 235, XXX-XXXX (complaints by employees)
(c) Mrs. Kathy Taggart, Chairperson of the University Harassment Committee, 475 Criss 3, XXX-XXXX.