1998 Conference: Preparing for the Road Ahead |
Thursday, June 25, 1998
11:30 am - 12:30 pmL. Ruth Levor
Associate Director
University of San Diego Legal Research Center
Rlevor@acusd.eduGordon Russell
Director of Library and Information Technology
Southern New England School of Law
508-998-9888 x122
Russell1@snesl.eduThe presenters will focus on using the web to create html pathfinders in an advanced electronic research course as well as discussing the pedagogic concerns involved in planning and implementing a course that integrates research formats via lectures and assignments that focus on and expand the MacCrate research strategy approach. The elements of Professor Levor's course, which was developed collaboratively by the reference team at theUniversity of San Diego, are demonstrable through the course web page at http://www.acusd.edu/alr/. The pedagogy is based on an 1995 article by Lucia Ann Silecchia, "Designing and Teaching Advanced Legal Research and Writing Courses," 33 Duq. L. Rev. 203; on the findings of the MacCrate Commission; and most of all, on their observations of student research behaviors and needs. The exercises are distillations of the research journal concept and are designed to make students conscious of and adept at the skills and processes of research design while introducing them to the breadth and depth of resources and media and the ways in which these tools and formats interact.
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