Organizing your web site and choice of HTML editors

Sieglinde Schreiner-Linford
CALI conference - June 1998

"You can't say 'web publishing' without the word publishing." (1)
"The work associated with Web site development is not, for the most part, terribly difficult. The difficulty is more in juggling all the pieces and parts and in paying very close attention to all the details of coding and design that make the site work as it should. … Don't wait for your Webmaster to come to work carrying an Uzi …" (2)

There are two ways to get web services:

Scope and target audiences

Organising the content

Physical layout of the site / directory structure

Administrative structure

Navigational layout

The web-team's role

Site management, statistics, visibility

Training of html authors

Choice of html production software

Staffing - professional web roles

The most important points:

  1. plan time for updating and maintenance
  2. plan time for statistics and site publicity
  3. plan time to cope with everybody else's accumulated backlogs
  4. invest in training and teaching
  5. talk with clients and with users
  6. involve decision makers
  7. get the physical lay-out right from the beginning
  8. put an organisational structure in place

The most important practical point:

Keeping perspective:

The best joke I found … :

Will be included after checking with a lawyer.

(1) Philip Greenspun, Database Backed Web Sites: The Thinking Person's Guide to Web Publishing, ZD Press 1997
(2) Linda G. Brigman, Web Site Management Excellence, Que 1996

Sieglinde Schreiner-Linford, Webmaster, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 20 June 1998. Email:

CALI Conference 1998, Preparing for the Road ahead
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