Types of Cable
Unshielded Twisted-Pair
Shielded Twisted-Pair
Multimode Optical Fiber
Single-mode Optical Fiber
RG-58 Coaxial Cable (Thinnet)
RG-62 Coaxial Cable (ARCNET)
Thicknet Ethernet Coaxial Cable
Unshielded Twisted-Pair
- Category 3 Cable
- With 10 MHz bandwidth, used for telco voice and horizontal wiring for 10-Mbps 10Base-T Ethernet or 4-Mbps Token Ring.
- Category 4 Cable
- With 20 MHz bandwidth, used for 16-Mbps Token Ring.
- Category 5 Cable
- The single most popular flavor! With 100 MHz bandwidth, it can handle upto 100-Mbps.
Let's take a look at Cat-5 Cable:

Pair 1 (White-Blue/Blue)
Pair 2 (White-Orange/Orange)
Pair 3 (White-Green/Green)
Pair 4 (White-Brown/Brown)
Although sometimes it can have these colors instead:
Pair 1 (Green/Red)
Pair 2 (Black/Yellow)
Pair 3 (Blue/Orange)
Pair 4 (Brown/Slate)
Tip and Ring:
- TIP = Connector on pointy part of telco plug = Positive Terminal = white/solid wire
- RING = Connector on isolated band of telco plug = Negative Terminal = solid/white wire
Category 5 Cross-Connect Jumper Wire looks like this:
Shielded Twisted-Pair Cable

Optical Fiber Cable
Coaxial Cable
RG-58 is used for Thinnet Ethernet, RG-62 is used for ARCNET, RG-59 is used for Cable-TV, RG-8 is used for Cable-TV (better quality), and Thicknet has no RG label. Be careful which wire you are using, as they have very different characteristics and limits. Look for the RG label on the cable itself (or for the tell-tale sickly yellow thick coax that is Thicknet); if you can't identify it, don't use it!
Cabling Do's and Don'ts
Watch how you bend cable
Don't over-tighten cable ties
Don't over-twist cable
Avoid stretching the cable (only 25 lbs. pulling tension)