
The CALI Convergence

FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1995
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Wtih membership in CALI at 154, interest in computer-based educational materials and CALI has never been higher. CALI has many interesting and innovative projects underway that will be of interest to law schools. 1995 is the Year of CALI!

John Mayer
Executive Director
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction

The Center for Electronic Text

FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1995
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

As Director of the Center for Electronic Text in the Law, Mr. Finke will describe some of the specifics about the creation of SGML text for use by legal academics with a focus on the reasons for doing things rather than the (sometimes tedious) details of how it is done. He will also describe where this whole electronic text effort is going, which is the creation of databanks that will support academic legal research in a variety of areas in a maximum number of ways.

Nicholas D. Finke
Director, Center for Electronic Text in the Law
University of Cincinnati College of Law Library