SGML in Law and Legal Education
Thursday, June 8th
Open, a non-profit vendor consortium, will deliver a series of
sessions on SGML and how it can be used to create educational materials
and organize information in your institution.
- Introduction to SGML
a basic, up-to-speed tutorial
covering concepts, background and history, market size, applications,
key system components, and common terminology
- SGML and Legal Applications
a discussion of SGML as an
enabling standard for electronic casebooks and case files
- SGML Production Processes
a description of how SGML is
used throughout the document production process, from document
development to management to delivery
- Case Studies
a panel of industry experts, comprised of
users, attorneys, and publishers, who will share their experiences with
SGML, its benefits, and the issues associated with its implementation
- Vendor Demonstrations
SGML Sites of Ineterest