1995 Conference: Convergence |
This year's conference offers an opportunity to converge ideas from a wide spectrum -- technology, pedagogy, practical applications (the use of technology in law clinics), information management, user support and other activities in legal education.
Join us in Chicago this June for what promises to be our best conference ever!
On June 7th and 8th (Wednesday and Thursday), CALI and Chicago-Kent College of Law will host a workshop for law school faculty on the creation of electronic casebooks. This is a hands-on workshop, but it will also include discussions on the pedagogical value of electronic casebooks and copyright issues.
On June 8th (Thursday), SGML Open, a non-profit vendor consortium, will deliver a series of sessions on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) and how it can be used to create educational materials and organize information in your institution.
On June 8th, 9th and 10th (Thursday, Friday, Saturday), computer experts from many law schools will demonstrate and discuss their experiences with technology -- both in this country and abroad. Among the 1995 CALI Conference speakers are guests from Norway, Great Britain and Australia. These technology presentations, panel discussions and case-studies focus on strategic planning, computer- based learning, technology management, library technology, and, of course, the Internet.